This vignette is an attempt to provide a comprehensive overview over
the behavior of the subsetting operators $, [[
and [, highlighting where the tibble implementation differs
from the data frame implementation.
Results of the same code for data frames and tibbles are presented
side by side:
new_df()#> a b cd#> 1 1 e 9#> 2 2 f 10, 11#> 3 3 g 12, 13, 14#> 4 4 h text
new_tbl()#> # A tibble: 4 × 3#> a b cd #> <int><chr><list>#> 1 1 e <dbl [1]>#> 2 2 f <int [2]>#> 3 3 g <int [3]>#> 4 4 h <chr [1]>
In the following, if the results are identical (after converting to a
data frame if necessary), only the tibble result is shown, as in the
example below. This allows to spot differences easier.
new_tbl()#> # A tibble: 4 × 3#> a b cd #> <int><chr><list>#> 1 1 e <dbl [1]>#> 2 2 f <int [2]>#> 3 3 g <int [3]>#> 4 4 h <chr [1]>
Subsetting operations are read-only. The same objects are reused in
all examples:
With $ subsetting, accessing a missing column gives a
warning. Inexact matching is not supported:
tbl[[c(1, 2)]]#> Error:#> ! The `j` argument of#> `[[.tbl_df()` can't be a vector#> of length 2 as of tibble 3.0.0.#> ℹ Recursive subsetting is#> deprecated for tibbles.
With [ subsetting, tibbles always return a tibble. The
drop argument is supported but has different defaults:
df["a", drop =FALSE]#> Warning in `[.data.frame`(df, "a",#> drop = FALSE): 'drop' argument will#> be ignored#> a#> 1 1#> 2 2#> 3 3#> 4 4
tbl["a", drop =FALSE]#> Warning: `drop` argument ignored#> for subsetting a tibble with#> `x[j]`, it has an effect only for#> `x[i, j]`.#> # A tibble: 4 × 1#> a#> <int>#> 1 1#> 2 2#> 3 3#> 4 4
df["a", drop =TRUE]#> Warning in `[.data.frame`(df, "a",#> drop = TRUE): 'drop' argument will#> be ignored#> a#> 1 1#> 2 2#> 3 3#> 4 4
tbl["a", drop =TRUE]#> Warning: `drop` argument ignored#> for subsetting a tibble with#> `x[j]`, it has an effect only for#> `x[i, j]`.#> # A tibble: 4 × 1#> a#> <int>#> 1 1#> 2 2#> 3 3#> 4 4
df[4]#> Error in `[.data.frame`(df, 4): undefined columns selected
tbl[4]#> Error in `tbl[4]`:#> ! Can't subset columns past the end.#> ℹ Location 4 doesn't exist.#> ℹ There are only 3 columns.
df[NA]#> Error in `[.data.frame`(df, NA): undefined columns selected
tbl[NA]#> Error in `tbl[NA]`:#> ! Can't subset columns with `NA`.#> ✖ Subscript `NA` can't contain missing values.#> ✖ It has a missing value at location 1.
df[NA_character_]#> Error in `[.data.frame`(df, NA_character_): undefined columns selected
tbl[NA_character_]#> Error in `tbl[NA_character_]`:#> ! Can't subset columns with `NA_character_`.#> ✖ Subscript `NA_character_` can't contain missing values.#> ✖ It has a missing value at location 1.
df[NA_integer_]#> Error in `[.data.frame`(df, NA_integer_): undefined columns selected
tbl[NA_integer_]#> Error in `tbl[NA_integer_]`:#> ! Can't subset columns with `NA_integer_`.#> ✖ Subscript `NA_integer_` can't contain missing values.#> ✖ It has a missing value at location 1.
The same examples are repeated for two-dimensional indexing when
omitting the row index:
df[, 4]#> Error in `[.data.frame`(df, , 4): undefined columns selected
tbl[, 4]#> Error in `tbl[, 4]`:#> ! Can't subset columns past the end.#> ℹ Location 4 doesn't exist.#> ℹ There are only 3 columns.
df[, NA]#> Error in `[.data.frame`(df, , NA): undefined columns selected
tbl[, NA]#> Error in `tbl[, NA]`:#> ! Can't subset columns with `NA`.#> ✖ Subscript `NA` can't contain missing values.#> ✖ It has a missing value at location 1.
df[, NA_character_]#> Error in `[.data.frame`(df, , NA_character_): undefined columns selected
tbl[, NA_character_]#> Error in `tbl[, NA_character_]`:#> ! Can't subset columns with `NA_character_`.#> ✖ Subscript `NA_character_` can't contain missing values.#> ✖ It has a missing value at location 1.
df[, NA_integer_]#> Error in `[.data.frame`(df, , NA_integer_): undefined columns selected
tbl[, NA_integer_]#> Error in `tbl[, NA_integer_]`:#> ! Can't subset columns with `NA_integer_`.#> ✖ Subscript `NA_integer_` can't contain missing values.#> ✖ It has a missing value at location 1.
Multiple columns can be queried by passing a vector of column indexes
(names, positions, or even a logical vector). With the latter option,
tibbles are a tad stricter:
tbl[c("a", "b")]#> # A tibble: 4 × 2#> a b #> <int><chr>#> 1 1 e #> 2 2 f #> 3 3 g #> 4 4 h
tbl[1:2]#> # A tibble: 4 × 2#> a b #> <int><chr>#> 1 1 e #> 2 2 f #> 3 3 g #> 4 4 h
tbl[1:3]#> # A tibble: 4 × 3#> a b cd #> <int><chr><list>#> 1 1 e <dbl [1]>#> 2 2 f <int [2]>#> 3 3 g <int [3]>#> 4 4 h <chr [1]>
df[1:4]#> Error in `[.data.frame`(df, 1:4): undefined columns selected
tbl[1:4]#> Error in `tbl[1:4]`:#> ! Can't subset columns past the end.#> ℹ Location 4 doesn't exist.#> ℹ There are only 3 columns.
tbl[0:2]#> # A tibble: 4 × 2#> a b #> <int><chr>#> 1 1 e #> 2 2 f #> 3 3 g #> 4 4 h
df[-1:2]#> Error in `[.default`(df, -1:2): only 0's may be mixed with negative subscripts
tbl[-1:2]#> Error in `tbl[-1:2]`:#> ! Can't subset columns with `-1:2`.#> ✖ Negative and positive locations can't be mixed.#> ℹ Subscript `-1:2` has 2 positive values at locations 3 and 4.
tbl[-1]#> # A tibble: 4 × 2#> b cd #> <chr><list>#> 1 e <dbl [1]>#> 2 f <int [2]>#> 3 g <int [3]>#> 4 h <chr [1]>
tbl[-(1:2)]#> # A tibble: 4 × 1#> cd #> <list>#> 1<dbl [1]>#> 2<int [2]>#> 3<int [3]>#> 4<chr [1]>
tbl[c(FALSE, TRUE)]#> Error in `tbl[c(FALSE, TRUE)]`:#> ! Can't subset columns with `c(FALSE, TRUE)`.#> ✖ Logical subscript `c(FALSE, TRUE)` must be size 1 or 3, not 2.
tbl[, 1:2]#> # A tibble: 4 × 2#> a b #> <int><chr>#> 1 1 e #> 2 2 f #> 3 3 g #> 4 4 h
tbl[, 1:3]#> # A tibble: 4 × 3#> a b cd #> <int><chr><list>#> 1 1 e <dbl [1]>#> 2 2 f <int [2]>#> 3 3 g <int [3]>#> 4 4 h <chr [1]>
df[, 1:4]#> Error in `[.data.frame`(df, , 1:4): undefined columns selected
tbl[, 1:4]#> Error in `tbl[, 1:4]`:#> ! Can't subset columns past the end.#> ℹ Location 4 doesn't exist.#> ℹ There are only 3 columns.
tbl[, 0:2]#> # A tibble: 4 × 2#> a b #> <int><chr>#> 1 1 e #> 2 2 f #> 3 3 g #> 4 4 h
df[, -1:2]#> Error in .subset(x, j): only 0's may be mixed with negative subscripts
tbl[, -1:2]#> Error in `tbl[, -1:2]`:#> ! Can't subset columns with `-1:2`.#> ✖ Negative and positive locations can't be mixed.#> ℹ Subscript `-1:2` has 2 positive values at locations 3 and 4.
tbl[, -1]#> # A tibble: 4 × 2#> b cd #> <chr><list>#> 1 e <dbl [1]>#> 2 f <int [2]>#> 3 g <int [3]>#> 4 h <chr [1]>
tbl[, c(FALSE, TRUE)]#> Error in `tbl[, c(FALSE, TRUE)]`:#> ! Can't subset columns with `c(FALSE, TRUE)`.#> ✖ Logical subscript `c(FALSE, TRUE)` must be size 1 or 3, not 2.
tbl[, c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)]#> Error in `tbl[, c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)]`:#> ! Can't subset columns with `c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)`.#> ✖ Logical subscript `c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)` must be size 1 or 3, not 4.
Row subsetting with integer indexes works almost identical.
Out-of-bounds subsetting is not recommended and may lead to an error in
future versions. Another special case is subsetting with
[1, , drop = TRUE] where the data frame implementation
returns a list.
tbl[1, ]#> # A tibble: 1 × 3#> a b cd #> <int><chr><list>#> 1 1 e <dbl [1]>
tbl[1, , drop =TRUE]#> # A tibble: 1 × 3#> a b cd #> <int><chr><list>#> 1 1 e <dbl [1]>
tbl[1:2, ]#> # A tibble: 2 × 3#> a b cd #> <int><chr><list>#> 1 1 e <dbl [1]>#> 2 2 f <int [2]>
tbl[0, ]#> # A tibble: 0 × 3#> # ℹ 3 variables: a <int>, b <chr>,#> # cd <list>
tbl[integer(), ]#> # A tibble: 0 × 3#> # ℹ 3 variables: a <int>, b <chr>,#> # cd <list>
tbl[5, ]#> # A tibble: 1 × 3#> a b cd #> <int><chr><list>#> 1NANA<NULL>
tbl[4:5, ]#> # A tibble: 2 × 3#> a b cd #> <int><chr><list>#> 1 4 h <chr [1]>#> 2NANA<NULL>
tbl[-1, ]#> # A tibble: 3 × 3#> a b cd #> <int><chr><list>#> 1 2 f <int [2]>#> 2 3 g <int [3]>#> 3 4 h <chr [1]>
df[-1:2, ]#> Error in xj[i]: only 0's may be mixed with negative subscripts
tbl[-1:2, ]#> Error in `tbl[-1:2, ]`:#> ! Can't subset rows with `-1:2`.#> ✖ Negative and positive locations can't be mixed.#> ℹ Subscript `-1:2` has 2 positive values at locations 3 and 4.
tbl[NA, ]#> # A tibble: 4 × 3#> a b cd #> <int><chr><list>#> 1NANA<NULL>#> 2NANA<NULL>#> 3NANA<NULL>#> 4NANA<NULL>
tbl[NA_integer_, ]#> # A tibble: 1 × 3#> a b cd #> <int><chr><list>#> 1NANA<NULL>
tbl[c(NA, 1), ]#> # A tibble: 2 × 3#> a b cd #> <int><chr><list>#> 1NANA<NULL>#> 2 1 e <dbl [1]>
Row subsetting with logical indexes also works almost identical, the
index vector must have length one or the number of rows with
tbl[TRUE, ]#> # A tibble: 4 × 3#> a b cd #> <int><chr><list>#> 1 1 e <dbl [1]>#> 2 2 f <int [2]>#> 3 3 g <int [3]>#> 4 4 h <chr [1]>
tbl[FALSE, ]#> # A tibble: 0 × 3#> # ℹ 3 variables: a <int>, b <chr>,#> # cd <list>
df[c(TRUE, FALSE), ]#> a b cd#> 1 1 e 9#> 3 3 g 12, 13, 14
tbl[c(TRUE, FALSE), ]#> Error in `tbl[c(TRUE, FALSE), ]`:#> ! Can't subset rows with `c(TRUE, FALSE)`.#> ✖ Logical subscript `c(TRUE, FALSE)` must be size 1 or 4, not 2.
df[c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), ]#> a b cd#> 1 1 e 9#> 3 3 g 12, 13, 14#> 4 4 h text
tbl[c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), ]#> Error in `tbl[c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), ]`:#> ! Can't subset rows with `c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)`.#> ✖ Logical subscript `c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)` must be size 1 or 4, not 3.
tbl[c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE), ]#> # A tibble: 2 × 3#> a b cd #> <int><chr><list>#> 1 1 e <dbl [1]>#> 2 3 g <int [3]>
df[c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), ]#> a b cd#> 1 1 e 9#> 3 3 g 12, 13, 14#> NA NA <NA> NULL
tbl[c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), ]#> Error in `tbl[c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE,#> TRUE), ]`:#> ! Can't subset rows with `c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)`.#> ✖ Logical subscript `c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)` must be size 1 or 4, not 5.
Indexing both row and column works more or less the same, except for
df[1, "a"]#> [1] 1
tbl[1, "a"]#> # A tibble: 1 × 1#> a#> <int>#> 1 1
tbl[1, "a", drop =FALSE]#> # A tibble: 1 × 1#> a#> <int>#> 1 1